Returned Mail: The Silent Thief

Resolve issues associated with returned mail that negatively impact your bottom line

Organizations without a returned mail process can see over 2% of their outbound mail returned undeliverable. This puts hundreds of thousands of dollars at risk each month.

Returned mail is a critical issue most businesses face. Assuming that the situation is being resolved with outbound mailing or collections processes can negatively impact your business.

Revenue risks, unhappy customers, and unnecessary expenses are just a few of the many issues returned mail can cause if left unmanaged. Whether you’re a mailing expert, or just getting up to speed, we’ve bookmarked where you can find information most relevant to your returned mail needs:

  • Skip to section 1 to learn why your business should care about the silent thief known as returned mail.
  • Visit section 2 to identify the top 5 problems associated with unmanaged returned mail.
  • Head to section 3 to learn more about the importance of improving your business’ front end processes.
  • Fast-forward to section 4 and discover the 3 steps to standardizing your returned mail processes.


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